Saturday, December 7, 2013

I saw a few souls here and there... @EdnahWalters #Grimnirs #RunesSeries #NewRelease


I saw a few souls here and there on our way home. They all stopped and stared at our car. I slid lower in my seat and wondered whether the arrogant reaper would collect them, too. Maybe he was here to clean up our town. I hoped so. I was tired of being a target.

“You’ve been quiet since we left the store,” Mom said as we got closer to home. We were on Orchard Road, the street that split two of the largest vineyards in Kayville. “Are you okay?”
I shrugged. “Yeah.”

“You know, you can talk to me if anything is bothering you.”

Talking to her was out of the question. Dr. Wendell might prescribe more psych meds or insist on having me admitted again. “I heard you and Dad talk about me this morning. I don’t want to be homeschooled, Mom. I’m going back to school on Monday.”


“No, Mom. I’m better, and I want to do this.”

Her lips pinched in annoyance as she turned onto the road leading to our farm. “Let’s discuss it after dinner.”

Her firm voice said the discussion was closed. I leaned back against my seat and stared out the window. My parents had had me later in life and tended to be overly protective. Most of the time, I listened to them. Not this time. This might be the beginning of a trend. First, homeschooling. Next, not going away to college. The only college in town was a private one, and I planned to go as far away from Kayville as I could. There were way too many bad memories here.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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