So when I first read about a publisher not supplying its authors with ARCs for review, I was shocked. Poor authors I said. That was in February of this year and the article was by an agent. Little did I know I'd be in the same boat. Should I feel sorry for myself? Don't think so. I hate self-pity.
So what's a woman to do? Do what women have done for generations to surivive. Improvise. I know it's not fun lugging around 300 page ARC around, but I'm hoping you ladies will forgive me. The ecomony being what it is and printing/biding is out of pocket...I have to wait until I get copies from my publisher, which I promise to send all of you for book tours and giveaways.
Also, expect is women's best color if you didn't know it.
And other goodies, which I'll have in the next week or so. Meanwhile, happy reading and don't hate me for sending my version (or should I say, my husband's version) of ARCs.