Saturday, November 5, 2016

GODDESS (Runes Book 7): Coming 2017 #RunesSeries #Goddess #Echo #Cora

GODDESS Excerpt (unedited)

“Treat the house as yours, just stay out of my bedroom and closet. These are loaners.” He dropped the clothes on the bed and glanced at our joined hands, his eyes narrowing. “He doesn’t need you to change, does he?” Then he walked out.
I stared after him and sighed. The look on Dev’s face said he was going to have a thing or two to say to his brother before the week was over.
“Moron,” Rhys said.

“I second that.” Nara looked at me. “If you want me to kick his ass for you, let me know. He doesn’t like to hit girls, which puts him at a disadvantage.”


 Thanks to for hosting this blog hop  (Click on this link to see other authors' works)

GODDESS is book 7 in my award winning YA Paranormal series based on Norse Mythology. I'll have news about the series... something BIG... in the coming weeks. Stop by my website for some fun facts about the characters, fashion, interviews  
If you haven't started reading this, grab a copy of Runes. It's FREE everywhere:


  1. Ha! That certainly does put him at a disadvantage!

    Very fluid dialogue. :-)

  2. Interesting, you leave me curious about your characters and where they come from.

  3. Interesting storyline, Ednah.
    Excellent dialogue.

  4. Interesting storyline, Ednah.
    Excellent dialogue.

  5. Interesting scene, makes me curious abut the relationship of all the various characters to each other, so well done!

  6. Great dialogue, does well in keeping your characters distinct.

  7. I really enjoyed this excerpt, Ednah! I agree that the dialogue is strong, and I'm looking forward to reading more! :)

  8. Heh heh, love Nara's closing line!

  9. Ditto what Amy said. :) Great snippet.

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