Wednesday, April 19, 2017


CW Network asked for the rights to Runes and…  Hehehehe, kidding. They asked for a treatment and I never heard from them again after that.

So, have you ever had an opportunity to do something and you turned it down only to regret your decision later? Was it a date? A job? An opportunity to visit some place or travel? A chance to buy that one dress, or a pair of shoes, or a purse? E-mail me at and let me know.

I like to read about actors and actresses who turned down a role only to see it become iconic and regret their decision.
-Molly Ringwald turned down Pretty Woman. (Ouch!)
-Julia Roberts turned down Blindside, The Proposal, and Sleepless in Seattle. (Triple ouch, but she is still killing it)
-Michelle Pfeiffer turned down Silence of the Lambs. (Damn)
-Matt Damon turned down Avatar and Brokeback Mountain.
-Will Smith turned down The Matrix.
-Jack Nicholson turned Michael Corleone role in The GodfatherThat must hurt… 
Imagine these famous Michael lines said by Jack Nicholson? 
“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked Him for forgiveness.” Or my favorite… 
“Fredo, you are my older brother, and I love you. But don’t ever take sides with anyone against the family. Ever.”

-Sean Connery turned down LOTR and Morpheus in The Matrix
“I got offered The Lord of the Rings, and I turned it down because I didn’t understand it. I was offered The Matrix twice, and I turned it down because I didn’t understand it. I don’t understand this movie (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), but I’ll be damned if I’m going to turn it down.”

So turning down a chance almost happened to me when I received an e-mail from Amazon Publishing imprint Kindle World asking me to give them the rights to the world I created in my Runes series. I was like Hell-to-the-no. Publishers left a nasty taste in my mouth, so I wasn’t doing it. Plus I had no idea what Kindle World Imprint did. I didn’t understand it. I responded with sorry, not interested.

But then I remembered Sean Connery’s response to missing out on iconic roles, and I did a little research and saw some of my favorite romance authors actually own kindle worlds. Not only that, they had some talented authors writing stories in those worlds. Just before I could eat crow and e-mail the lady back and beg her to give me a Kindle World, she e-mailed me and explained how it worked. Then she added that outside traditionally published books made into TV series like Vampire Diaries, The 100, Pretty Little Liars, Veronica Mars…, my world would the first YA world based on a YA-book series by an indie author… I was sold.

Yesterday, we launched The Runes Universe with 12 of today’s amazing indie talents. The books hit bestseller lists right away. Follow the link below to grab copies of their stories. You don’t have to read them in order because they are all unique and standalones.

I also wrote a story for my world, FATED SOULS, until I realized 3 things.


     My fans that don’t use kindle would not read the book.
2.     Fans outside the US would also not have access to the story since KW caters to US readers for now. They plan to expand to other Amazon stores.
3.     This is the start of Mystic Academy series and I have more stories to write at this school and with this couple, and I wanted them and the school to be available to authors writing in The Runes Universe. So FATED SOULS became FATED (A Mystic Academy Novella).

If you are interested in writing in Runes Universe, stop by Runes Universe page and read all about it. I uploaded files.

The second launch of Runes Universe is Nov 18th 2017. I will have 2 launches every year… That’s all I can handle. E-mail me.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

$250 Christmas Cash Giveaway

Just in the Nick of Time - $250 Christmas Cash Giveaway
December 5th to 22nd
Enter for your chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Code or $250 in Paypal Cash!!

Thanks to this awesome group of bloggers and authors who have joined with me to bring you one fabulous prize!!

 Sponsor List
I Am A Reader
Lori's Reading Corner
J.L. Weil
Author Mary Ting
Author Ednah Walters
Heather Gray
Literary Winner
Coupons and Freebies Mom
Caroline Clemmons
Krysten Lindsay Hager author
Here We Go Again...Ready?
Simple Wyrdings
Kindle and Me Lucy McConnell
Jeanette Lewis
Cindy Roland Anderson
Cami Checketts Maureen's Musings
Kimberley Montpetit
Confessions of a Frugal Mind
Glistering: B's Blog
Rockin' Book Reviews
Jennifer Youngblood
Author Cindy C Bennett
Diana's Book ReviewsRaye Wagner

 Giveaway Details

 $250 in Paypal Cash or a $250 eGift Card

Ends 12/22/16

 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the authors, bloggers and publishers on the sponsor list. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

COMING SOON: Goddess (A Runes Novel)

BLURB: Cora Jemison has come a long way from her stint in a psych ward and her fear of the dead. A confident Medium, she allows souls to possess her to help them find closure.  When she decides to tell her parents the truth, that she still sees the dead and that her fiancĂ© is a soul reaper, the Jemisons reveal secrets of their own.

Her world starts to crumble, the ripple effect threatening to destroy the one thing she can always count on. Her relationship with Echo. Cora must sort through the lies to learn the truth about who and what she is. Only then can she embrace her destiny and claim her soul mate, Echo.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 28, 2016

***HOT NEW RELEASE*** BALANCE by Janelle Stalder



From Bestselling Author, Janelle Stalder, comes a new, suspenseful Paranormal Romance. 

Early Praise

"This book was a phenomenal start to what I know is going to be an amazing series. It is filled to the brim with mystery, danger, and intrigue, with just the right amount of heart-stopping and breathtaking romance. It made me fall in love head over heels, and then slowly destroyed my heart. If there's one new series you start this year, make sure it's this one." - Kayleigh Gore, K-books Blog

A love written in the stars, or born in the depths of darkness?
Where fate has brought them together, so will it tear them apart.
This is not a story of chance, but one that was destined to come to pass, and with it the fall of the darkest shadow to roam the earth.
Vivian French will soon realize that monsters are not just characters from story books, but creatures who can tear your soul apart and leave nothing in its place.
This is not a love story. 
This is a tale, of a fallen angel and The One who will bring about a change in the Balance.


Janelle Stalder was born and raised in Brampton, Ontario. At an early age she developed a love for literature. Her debut novel, Eden, was the first book in a series of four, released in September of 2011. Since then she has released an Adult Dystopian Romance series, the New World Series, hitting the best sellers list on Amazon. She has also released a Mature YA/NA novel, Brush Strokes, that stayed on the best sellers list for contemporary romance for sixteen straight weeks. She is a strong supporter of other independent authors, and loves to interact with her readers. When she's not writing, Janelle is at home with her husband, three children, Aiden, Elora and Violet, and her two furry children, Alice and Lily. She now resides in a small town in Ontario in her old, possibly haunted, century home.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

YA READER GIVEAWAY BLITZ #52paperbacks #Kindle #GC #HPBoxedSet

Don’t miss this ULTIMATE binge reader giveaway. 
You could win 52 freakin’ YA paperbacks by some amazing authors.
That’s enough books to read one a week in 2017. 
And that’s not all. 
There’re also swags, Amazon Gift Cards, POPs, HP book Collection with Trunk, and FREE ebooks up for grabs. Oh, and tell your friends because the prize for referring someone is a Paperwhite Kindle.

TO ENTER: Go here

Monday, November 7, 2016

KINDLE WORLD: RUNES SERIES KINDLE WORLD coming 2017 #kindleworld #YAParanormal @Amazon

 What do you know about Kindle World?
Kindle World is an imprint of Amazon Publishing that pays authors to write and publish stories inspired by popular series. These series could be books or TV series. I believe there are about 72 established kindle worlds. Some are from indie giants like J. A. Konrath, Hugh Howey, and Barbara Freethy, romance favorites like Bella Andre and H. M. Ward. Then you have worlds inspired by popular TV series like Gossip Girls, Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars...

When KW first approached me, I thought they were asking me to write in someone's world and my first response was NOT INTERESTED. I'm too busy my projects, I e-mailed them back. I'd never even heard of Kindle World. But like any business woman, I did my research. The problem was I did it after sending that short, sorry, I'm not interested e-mai. Yeah, I know. Never ask an author to do something else when she's listening to voices in her head. Damn pirates.

Anyway, the more I researched the more I was intrigued. Just as I was about to shoot the rep another e-mail, I received one explaining that they didn't want me to write in someone's world, but to have other write in my world.

Color me wowed. Humbled. Hyperventilating.
I'm a smallish fish in the big pond known as publishing. So I set up that first phone call and I listened and asked questions. And the more I listened, the more I loved the idea. And here we are.

I'm happy to account it is OFFICIAL. Runes Series is going to have its Kindle World and the launch is April 2017.

Imagine more stories. More Valkyries. More Grimnirs. More angry souls that need help from our medium. More Mortals that need help from gifted Witches. More orphans with abilities, which include the ability to shape shift.

I can't wait to see what stories these amazing writers are gong to come up with.  STAY TUNED... You'll meet the authors next.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

GODDESS (Runes Book 7): Coming 2017 #RunesSeries #Goddess #Echo #Cora

GODDESS Excerpt (unedited)

“Treat the house as yours, just stay out of my bedroom and closet. These are loaners.” He dropped the clothes on the bed and glanced at our joined hands, his eyes narrowing. “He doesn’t need you to change, does he?” Then he walked out.
I stared after him and sighed. The look on Dev’s face said he was going to have a thing or two to say to his brother before the week was over.
“Moron,” Rhys said.

“I second that.” Nara looked at me. “If you want me to kick his ass for you, let me know. He doesn’t like to hit girls, which puts him at a disadvantage.”


 Thanks to for hosting this blog hop  (Click on this link to see other authors' works)

GODDESS is book 7 in my award winning YA Paranormal series based on Norse Mythology. I'll have news about the series... something BIG... in the coming weeks. Stop by my website for some fun facts about the characters, fashion, interviews  
If you haven't started reading this, grab a copy of Runes. It's FREE everywhere: