Thursday, October 4, 2012

Writer's Block or fatigue

1. Do you ever feel so mentally drained you can't plot or write? That's where I'm at. I pushed myself hard to finish, polish and worked on the edits of my next romance book, Forever Hers, book #5 of the Fitzgerald Family series, and I'm totally burnt-out (burned-out). But everything is on schedule...woohoo.
Realese date is October 15th, 10 days to go....

2. Meanwhile, I have two YA WIPS I'm working on. So far I've written about 20,000 words for each of them, 60,000 to go on one and about 80,000 on the other. My problem is, I can't seem to summon strength to write for long. I write a few pages and get frustrated and move to the other.

Anything llike this ever happen to you? How do I focus on one? The last two weeks, I've just read my critique partners' WIPs to try and get out of the funk, but it's not working. I want to write these two stories so badly. I even gave myself Dec 31st deadline. Nothing is working.

Any ideas?


  1. I feel your pain! Sounds like you have kind of burned yourself out. I am amazed at your productivity. I think you owe yourself a break. So many times, when my writer's block passes I realize it was resulting from emotional stress that I needed to deal with first.

    I often get writer's block when the book isn't working well. It is like the subconscious shuts you down so your creativity can catch up.

    I wish you the best in overcoming the funk. I say, curl up with some hot chocolate, a good book and take some deep breaths. You will get back into your groove.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I think so too. Need, need, need a break, but I'm one of those people who get really depressed when I'm not writing. I'm going to immerse myself in books for a while.

  2. I feel for you. I had my first real case of writers' block this summer, and it was bad. I had an important teaching gig overseas, and then I had minor surgery and I just didn't have the juice to create. But more than that, I really needed time to dream/percolate/simmer on low. Now I am back in the pocket, and the story is organically coming to me. I'm SO happy that I'm past that block. Sometimes you have to wait it out if you can't force yourself through it.
    But you have a book coming out so very soon! So, how bad could it be? I wish you good luck with it!

    1. I'm going to focus on releasing the upcoming book and doing some marketing before I get back to writing. Thanks for stopping by Catherine

  3. I've never written two books at once. I don't know how people do it. My mind doesn't work that way. I have to fully immerse myself in one story at a time. Maybe you need to focus on one instead of splitting your attention between two. Your characters may not be talking to you because you aren't giving them your full attention. They are quite demanding, you know. ;)

    1. They're downright demanding and I really should focus on one....after a break. I'm checking out. Thanks for the input, Kelly

  4. Girl, do I understand what you mean. I'm struggling to get my WIP finished and to the editor by Nov. 10th.

    1. I feel like I'm drowning, Chicki. I need to schedule tours for Forever Hers and not look at my WIPS at all. Good luck.

  5. I alternate my novel length work with a short story. That way, I don't feel too guilty for taking a break, and when I come back to the novel, I have a fresh set of eyes and a new mindset to tackle it.

  6. I feel you, Ednah! I've been having that same problem (burn-out) it's quite exhausting. I find that if I take like a day or two break, jsut relax without thinking much about the WIP, it helps (sometimes my mind slips back to the project) but I just take notes. I echo Kelly's words. Maybe the charaters are calling out for your attention - all at once. :) Hope everything works out well.
