Saturday, December 20, 2014

Midnight Eve Give@way


 Christmas is time for giving, so here's something you can 
add to your other gifts:
A signed copy of Seeress (or an e-copy of the clean version) and a mousepad


The unforgettable story of CORA and ECHO from Grimnirs continues

Eighteen-year-old Cora Jemison knows what it's like to date a soul reaper. There are no Friday night movies, no school dances, and no stolen kisses between classes. It totally sucks! What makes it even worse, souls pop up when she least expects it. The last one is not her fault, but it all adds up to zero quality times with her super hot, scythe-carrying boyfriend, Echo.

Since Cora is etched with special runes by an dil Immortal, she understands why souls are drawn to her. She makes the best of it by helping souls find closure while Echo escorts them to the realm of the dead. Perfect partners, until a dark soul visits Cora in the dead of the night and Echo decides her soul-helping days are over.

Cora can either listen to Echo or follow her instincts. To make matters worse, other reapers start stalking her, demanding she hands over the soul.  Even her Valkyries friends think she's gone too far. But something sinister is coming their way, and the souls is the key to saving her town, her friends, and her relationship with Echo. Can she convince Echo to see things her way before it's too late?

Fill out the rafflecopter, please. 



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Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Thanks to Bookhound and I Am a Reader for hosting this bloghop

The best books of 2014, where to start. I read everything from adult romance to MG. This year, I've read more MG books because of my youngest daughter. Unfortunately, not all were published in 2014. The Best books published in 2014 are Melissa Haag's (Un)Bidden and Karen Lynch's Refuge. 

To enter fill out the rafflecopter

What is your favorite 2014 book?
Add Yes or No to your response when you answer if you want to
 join my mailing list? This is optional.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Day 5 of the 24 Days of Christmas Author Showcase #Giveaway #KindleFireHD @asyouwishtours

As an Immortal being, you tend to learn things over the years traveling from one place to another escorting souls. There are so many ways to say Merry Christmas around the world.

Raine is from America: Merry Christmas
Torin is from UK: Happy Christmas
Echo is from Gaul: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!
Ingrid & Malina is from Norway: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul
Lavania & Andris are from Rome: Kala Christouyenna!

From all of us, we hope you have a wonderful holiday and to celebrate this month of giving we are having some wonderful giveaways!!!
Check out Immortals (book 2) below and look for a chance to win an ecopy. Also be sure to join the 24 Days of Christmas Author Showcase event hosted by As You Wish Tours on Facebook so you can have other chances to win more books from the other amazing authors!


“Are we rollerblading, bowling, rock climbing, or just blowing our money on video games?” Cora asked, waving to someone she knew.

“Rock climbing.” Eirik glanced at me and cocked his brow. I shrugged. I didn’t care what we did. It was nice to be around people who didn’t recognize me and treat me like stale leftovers.

We paid the climbing fee, got our wristbands, and headed toward the arc leading to the high-ceilinged rock climbing room. Most parents preferred to keep their kids jumping, tumbling, and playing dodge ball in the Jump Zone, so there were very few under-ten kids around machines. The walls were popular with people of all ages. I’d seen kids half my age race up the walls like giant spiders.

Boisterous laughter welcomed us when we entered the rock climbing room, and I saw why. The football players, their girlfriends, and fans filled most of the tables and chairs, eating pizza and recapping today’s win.

My eyes found Torin, and something inside me wilted. He was getting the star treatment, two cheerleaders by his side and two more seated behind him. He looked up, and our eyes met. He cocked his brow, as though surprised to see me.

Yeah, right back at you, pal.

Runes Book 1

As Day 5 in the 24 Days of Christmas Author Showcase I am giving away an ecopy of book 2 in my Runes series, Immortals. Runes, book 1 is FREE everywhere!

All you have to do is tell me where you will be celebrating the the holidays this year? 
(Leave a comment below with your email address so I can contact you if you win.)

For a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD fill out the entry form below, and good luck!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

WINNERS-Congrats to these lucky Seven people.

Winners of Gratitude Giveaway, I hope you received my e-mail:  Drum roll, please....

 1) Denise April Cayetano : A signed copy of Runes

2. Mary Preston: A signed copy of Immortals

3. Five winners of the bundle:
Lori Franklin Hopkins, Cassandra Hernandez-Ruiz, Maari Hermond, Melissa Crisp and Elizabeth (book Attict)

2014 Debut Author Blog

So sorry I'm posting this late.
Thanks to Bookhounds and I Am A Reader Not a Writer for hosting this hop:
 Since I know way too many debut authors, I'll go with a dear friend, Karen Lynch.
The winner will get a signed copy of her first book. Relentless (Official release date January 2014) Relentless is free if you have an e-reader.

 All you have to do is:

1. Leave your name and e-mail below

2. Tweet this: ***Free YA Books** #Relentless by @karenlynchNL, #Runes by @ednahwalters and Hope(less) by Melissa Haag @Imagine2Live  #iBooks #amazon

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