Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Promotional Event | *FREE* Sliding Beneath the Surface by @Doug__Dillon #TheStAugustineTrilogy

Hello St. Augustine Fans! Let’s not forget the YA Paranormal Fans!
For FIVE days, the Kindle version for Sliding Beneath the Surface [The St. Augustine Trilogy: Book I] will be available FOR FREE on—a special promotion. Today and the next 4 days, May 14th - 18th be sure to get your FREE Kindle Edition Today!

 Sliding Beneath the Surface
The St. Augustine Trilogy: Book I
Author: Doug Dillon
Genre: YA Paranormal
Print Length: 166 Pages
Release Date: August 24, 2011
Presented by: As You Wish Tours


In America’s oldest and most haunted city, St. Augustine, Florida, Teenager Jeff Golden is in trouble. Horrible dreams won’t let him sleep, and he is up to his eyeballs in terrifying, paranormal experiences.

Finally, Jeff turns to his girlfriend Carla, and Lobo, the mysterious Native American shaman, for help. But what he discovers is a lot more than he bargained for.

A ghostly presence linked to a local historic cemetery is not only threatening Jeff’s sanity but his life as well. And before he knows what’s happening, Jeff finds both himself and Carla pulled into one of the nastiest and bloody events in Florida history. It is a place from which they may never escape.

About the Author
Doug Dillon has been writing for adults and young people since 1984, especially in the paranormal realm. An award winning educator, he spent many years as a classroom teacher, school administrator, and coordinator of programs for high-risk students. Prentice Hall, Harcourt, Mitchell Lane Publishers, Boys' Life magazine, Learning Magazine and The Orlando Sentinel have all published his work.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Goodreads Giveaway | Seeress (Paperback) Enter to Win! @EdnahWalters #Giveaway

Book Title: Seeress
Series: A Runes Novel #3
Release Date: April 28th 2014
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Firetrail Publishing
Presented by: As You Wish Tours
Goodreads Giveaway
Giveaway Dates: May 12 - Jun 12, 2014
2 copies available
Countries Available: US


I love Torin St. James...
I need his strength…
But someone from his past wants me dead.

Raine Cooper is certain of two things: her love for Torin St. James and her destiny to be a powerful seeress. But when she starts having premonitions, they are unclear and disturbing. Worse, they involve Torin. With her mother gone, her father dying, and her best friend in Hel, she is not sure who to talk to.

But when the visions become more personal and she foresees her future with Torin threatened by someone from his past, Raine becomes desperate for answers. Just her luck two new students arrive at her school and they seem to have answers. When with them, her powers are enhanced and her visions become clear. There is only one problem: Torin forbids Raine to see the two girls.

Can their love survive without trust?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cover Reveal | Eruption by Christina Mobley @chrissy3680

Book Title: Eruption
Series: The Vangretta Curse #3
Author: Christina Mobley
Expected Release Date: June 21, 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy
Presented by:As You Wish Tours


When you love someone more than yourself, protecting them is all that matters; it is all there is...

Snow one minute and blazing temperatures the next, horrific storms everywhere, and Ava has no idea what’s causing it. Desperate for answers, she turns to the past. An ancient diary reveals the truth about Element Island and the true origins of those born of the Element. Everything she thought she knew is wrong. Destiny is coming for her unborn child.

Ava’s fairytale has quickly turned into a nightmare. No one can be trusted. Friendships will be tested, and lives will be lost. As nature and destiny collide, a child that will change everything is born. The eruption will mark the beginning and the end, and the battle has just begun.

Christina Mobley is a married, mother of four, who spends her days caring for her children. She grew up in Florida, living on the banks of the St.Mary's river, and as a child always had a fascination for storms and the power they wield. The Vangeretta Curse series was inspired by that fascination.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Promotional Event | **FREE** An Explosion of Being by Doug & Barbara Dillon @Doug__Dillon

Title: An Explosion of Being
An American Family’s Journey into the Psychic

Authors: Doug & Barbara Dillon
Genre: Non-fiction | Paranormal
Released: July 18, 2011
Length: 342 Pages
Presented by: As You Wish Tours 

A Message From Co-author, Doug Dillon

Do you believe in the paranormal? My wife Barbara and I sure didn’t many years ago but all that rapidly changed when my dad died. That event and the many strange things that happened back then set Barb and me on a multi-year quest for understanding.

We did extensive research, talked to lots of people, had many incredible experiences and eventually collected so much information that we wrote the book you see on this post. Prentice Hall published it worldwide and Barb and I ended up doing radio talk shows across the U.S. and up into Canada.

I think that offering the introduction to our book (below) is the best way to give you a quick sense of what we experienced and why we went public with what happened. After that, I’ll bring you up to date with where things stand now.


There are those times in most of our lives when, perhaps for just an instant, we stand back and question the very nature of physical existence. The penetrating event causing our hesitation may be a shocking realization of life’s fragility, the absolute bitterness of injustice, or some strange inexplicable departure from the norms of reality as we know them.

Whatever the reason for the momentary lapse of certainty about the world, it has stopped us dead in our tracks, whether anyone else recognized what was happening or not.

Usually, we recover from these occurrences by smoothing them over with forgetfulness or by applying a long held standard of belief that seems to give us some sort of answer. Even if we wanted to, it often isn’t very acceptable to poke and prod these events for new or different understandings.

Such activity simply makes most people uncomfortable, including ourselves, so why bother? On we move, then, with daily life as it existed before, but with a dim awareness something important may have been abandoned.

Seven years ago, our lives fit this pattern perfectly and seven years ago, a multitude of jolting, unusual incidents shocked us into a very conscious decision to pursue our questions, regardless of where they might lead. Since then, we have uncovered a wealth of information that might be called psychic, or spiritual, opening doors of perception for our family we never even knew existed.

This book is our attempt to share with you the fullness of our explorations into those unseen portions of life’s essence. We don’t ask for your acceptance of what you are about to read, but we do ask that you look for a part of yourself within our struggle for understanding.

Doug and Barb Dillon
Altamonte Springs, Florida

These days, I’m writing paranormal/historical novels for young adults and adults young at heart. I use my own experiences as the inspiration for the spooky events in those books set in the oldest and most haunted city in the United States. Titled The St. Augustine Trilogy, this series is two-thirds complete with the final book scheduled for publication in 2015. If you would like to learn more about the trilogy, click here.

I have a very active blog with lots of posts on the paranormal, including guest articles from mediums, hypnotists and ghost hunters. Click here to visit my home page and you will find the blog listings to the right. I love to hear from people about their paranormal experiences, so don’t hesitate to contact me.

Take care and happy reading.

A former award winning educator, Doug writes about things paranormal and historical. His interest in the paranormal comes from personal experiences as detailed in the nonfiction adult book he and wife wrote titled, An Explosion of Being: An American Family's Journey into the Psychic. Out of those events and extensive historical research, he then created Sliding Beneath the Surface for young adults, Book I of the St. Augustine Trilogy. Doug set his trilogy in the oldest and most haunted city in the United States, St. Augustine, Florida.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Get your copies of Runes books now

Congrats to the following winners.
Sherry Strode won a copy of Runes in the Hoppy Easter giveaway:

For the Fairy Tale Hop: Ginny Gallagher won a copy of Immortals

Also I did promise to choose a winner from people who commented: Using, # 23 (Michelle Willms) won a copy of Runes too.

True Random Number Generator

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Get in touch with me, Ginny and Michelle. Sherry, I aleady have your address.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Release Day Blitz - Seeress [Runes Series: Book 3] @EdnahWalters

Book Title: Seeress
Series: A Runes Novel #3
Author: Ednah Walters
Release Date: April 28th 2014
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Firetrail Publishing
Presented by: As You Wish Tours


I love Torin St. James...
I need his strength…
But someone from his past wants me dead.

Raine Cooper is certain of two things: her love for Torin St. James and her destiny to be a powerful seeress. But when she starts having premonitions, they are unclear and disturbing. Worse, they involve Torin. With her mother gone, her father dying, and her best friend in Hel, she is not sure who to talk to.

But when the visions become more personal and she foresees her future with Torin threatened by someone from his past, Raine becomes desperate for answers. Just her luck two new students arrive at her school and they seem to have answers. When with them, her powers are enhanced and her visions become clear. There is only one problem: Torin forbids Raine to see the two girls.

Can their love survive without trust?


“Who said I’m playing.”

He braced himself on the door frame and lowered his head until he and I were on the same eye level.

“You told me to stay away from you. Unforgiveable. You implied our relationship might not last. Totally wrong and cruel. But the worst part, you said your feelings for me made you weak.”

His eyebrows shot up.

“Weak? Seriously? What in Hel’s Mist does that mean?”

He was serious.

“Are you forgetting what happened before I said those things?”

“So no apology?”

“No.” I was dying to, but he had to understand I wasn’t a breakable doll.

He stepped back and slammed the door in my face.

My jaw dropped. No, he didn’t. That arrogant man didn’t just do that.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Release Event | The Davidson Case: Book 3 by Julie C. Gilbert @AuthorGilbert

The Davidson Case
Heartfelt Cases: Book 3
Author: Julie C. Gilbert
Genre: Christian Mystery
Release Date: May 2014
Presented by: As You Wish Tours


Somebody wants her sister dead …

FBI Special Agent Ann Duncan knows how to face down danger, but once again, she’s not the target. Her baby sister, Joy Davidson, has stumbled upon a conspiracy and made some powerful enemies.

Luck and God’s grace help Ann save her sister the first time, but she knows the bad guys will try again. With Patrick on a university tour and perhaps the most important case of her career weighing upon her mind, Ann must find the strength, wisdom, and heart to find out who wants her sister dead, what Joy discovered, and how to stop the conspirators. Ann instinctively knows that if she fails the Davidson case will only be the first of many tragedies.


Where’s Ann? Joy wondered for the fifth time in as many minutes. Although they had never specified a time, Ann should have been there by now.

Maybe she got lost … No, she helped you move in.

Maybe she had extra work to do. She’d have called by now.


Joy grunted in frustration.

Someone knocked.

“Finally!” Joy exclaimed, rolling her eyes in relief.

A second, more insistent, knock sounded.

“I’m coming! Goodness, you make me wait up half the night and then expect me to jump when you’re ready,” Joy grumbled. “You’re late!” she scolded, swinging the door open.

Only it wasn’t Ann.

About the Author
Julie mainly confines her writing to three genres: Christian inspirational, YA real-world science fiction, and normal science fiction. 

She likes teaching, writing, reading, sleeping, doing puzzles, and hanging out with friends. (Not necessarily in that order)

Writing has made her super picky about the things she reads but normally, her reading list includes something that fits under the thriller, mystery, science fiction, or fantasy.

Occasionally, she attempts short poetry. The poems turn into songs, which she sings with abandon when nobody's looking.

Enter the Giveaway!
Three (3) Winners will receive an eBook Set
The Collins Case, The Kiverson Case & The Davidson Case (Heartfelt Cases Set)